Our experience,
Your partner

FCF is the reference partner for machining. For almost half a century, we have been offering customised solutions to meet even the most complex needs of our customers. With more than a dozen processes and services on offer, we are able to accompany our partners in the realisation of their projects with competence, professionalism and the experience of ownership that has successfully reached the second generation.

Technology and people: these are the two pillars of FCF


Over the years, we have gained in-depth experience, including working alongside major parties in a variety of industries, honing the skills of our team of specialists, technicians and operatives. Continuous training and major investments in technology allow us to carry out high quality machining, meeting the specifications and timeframes required by the customer.


At FCF, we have developed deep know-how in CAD and CAM development. A good design simplifies the processing of even the most complex programmes, cutting costs and drastically reducing processing times.


Giuseppe Faurlin and Sergio Campeotto founded FCF in 1978 and since then the company has grown with technology, know-how and customer portfolio. The second generation of the two families brought FCF into 4.0.

Giuseppe Faurlin e Sergio Campeotto hanno fondato FCF nel 1978 e da allora l’azienda è cresciuta di pari passo con le tecnologie, il know how e il portafoglio clienti.
La seconda generazione delle due famiglie ha portato FCF nel 4.0.